Science meets Comics

Proceedings of the Symposium on Communicating and Designing the Future of Food in the Anthropocene

Herausgeber: Reinhold Leinfelder, Alexandra Hamann, Jens Kirstein, Marc Schleunitz
Jaqueline Berndt, Anne-Kathrin Kuhlemann, Toni Meier, Veronika Mischitz, Stephan Packard, Lukas Plank, Nick Sousanis, Katerina Teaiwa, Arnold van Huis

There are no simple solutions in the Anthropocene era. Every single person lives in a highly complex system and is connected to it by his or her actions. By focusing on the example of alimentation, this interconnectedness can be exposed and presented in a form that everyone can understand. Comics as a communication medium not only have the potential to make complex issues accessible in an appealing form; the comic-making process itself can inspire scientific work, and reveal new connections.

This proceedings volume includes contributions on alimentation and comic theory by Jaqueline Berndt, Anne-Kathrin Kuhlemann, Toni Meier, Veronika Mischitz, Stephan Packard, Lukas Plank, Nick Sousanis, Katerina Teaiwa and Arnold van Huis. It is the result of the two-day symposium Science meets Comics, held in October 2015 in the Cluster of Excellence Image Knowledge Gestaltung. An Interdisciplinary Laboratory at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, which discussed and developed these new means of communication in relation to alimentation.

Christian A. Bachmann Verlag︎
softcover, 117 pages, illustrations
ISBN 978-3-941030-92-3

open access︎